Why I ALWAYS Wear Sunglasses

In this video, Dr. Allen from Doctor Eye Health reviews why sunglasses are important and the health benefits of sunglasses. Most of the benefits of sunglasses come from their ability to protect against uv light sun damage. If you are ever looking to purchase new sunglasses, make sure the sunglasses protect against ultraviolet light.

Watch the video by clicking the link below.


Here is a list of ways sunglasses protect your eyes and vision that you didn’t know about! 

Sunglasses are not only a great fashion accessory and helpful for reducing light sensitivity (photophobia), but there are also many health benefits of sunglasses.

That is exactly why I wear sunglasses.

Sunglasses SHOULD protect against ultraviolet light (UV light) and this helps prevent many different eye diseases and eyelid diseases from developing.

Timestamps for why you should wear sunglasses:

UV Light Protection (What is UV light) - 1:31

Sunlight Causes Cataracts - 2:22

Sunlight ages and thins your eyelids - 3:12

5-10% of skin cancer is on the eyelids - 3:42

Photokeratitis (snow blindness) - 4:02

Pterygium (Surfer's Eye) - 4:45

Corneal Healing from LASIK Eye Surgery - 5:16

Migraine headaches and photophobia - 6:13

Polarized vs non polarized sunglasses - 6:44

If you are not sure if your sunglasses protect against UV light, look for anything labeled UV400 or "full UV light protection" or contact the manufacturer.

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